Rainbow Spiritual Education Center
Rainbow Spiritual Education Center, Inc. - About Us


The mission of Rainbow Spiritual Education Center, Inc. (RSEC) is to facilitate holistic spiritual awareness and wellness through education and celebration, utilizing wisdom from Christ's life teachings, Native American Spirituality, and Buddhism.

Membership Rainbow Spiritual Education Center, Inc. is a non-member organization. People participate because they want to; not because they feel obligated.  As a non-member organization, persons wishing to attend RSEC and attend another church or place of worship can do so without conflict.

Directors Rev. C.J. (Cyndi) Wright - Executive Director (Cherokee,  English, Irish)  C.J. is the Founder of the Rainbow Spiritual Education Center.  The Center came about through a vision of people coming together to enhance their spiritual journey.  Ordained as a Christian minister, C.J., through her own journey, found that her Christian and Cherokee spiritual paths could in fact peacefully co-exist.  

Donations Rainbow Spiritual Education Center, Inc. is a  non-profit, 501(c)3 organization . Donations make it possible for RSEC to provide programs. All donations go to providing programs, community outreach, and running the Center.  Please see  Support for more information on how you can support the Center and those challenged communities we support.

Grants Received:

Programs are made possible through donations from attendees and through grants.  

The Rainbow Center has received grants from the following:

  • Ethel H. O'Brien Field of Interest Fund at The Community Foundation of Louisville - Steven Imhoff, Trustee
  • Aids Volunteers of Northern Kentucky (AVNK) for Annual Healing Weekend.

A 501c(3) Non Profit Organization

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