Rainbow Spiritual Education Center
Support for Rainbow Center and Those We Support

Ways You Can Support Us!

  • Make a Sustaining Pledge to the Annual Campaign
  • Attend and support the programs
  • Volunteer

Please help support The Rainbow Spiritual Education Center (RSEC) by giving to our annual campaign.  Your entire donation will go to cover facility and program costs as all of our staff are volunteers and receive no salaries or benefits.

The Rainbow Center is where people come together to discuss spirituality. We encourage exploration to help you on your journey without imposing on your faith or beliefs.  For the past ten years we have continued to serve the community with a vast array of educational, spiritual, healing, wellness and counseling programs. With the genuine warmth and guidance of C. J. Wright, Executive Director, the Board of Directors and all of our volunteers, we have become a family with love, compassion and respect for all.

The RSEC is at a critical crossroad.  We believe the success of the Annual Campaign is vital to our present and continued growth. So we ask you to give what you can afford. It is not necessarily the amount that you give but that you have participated with many others in giving. By giving, you send a powerful signal to others and create a momentum that bring us to full bloom.

We thank you for all your support to the Center. 

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